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NSSF Coast & Eastern Regional Manager Rose Marienga taking ASK 2017 Show judges through the NSSF story.

NSSF Board Members being taken through the NSSF story at the ongoing Mombasa ASK show by Coast Regional Manager Rose Marienga From left Age. MT Dr. Omerikwa, Anthony Munyiri, Mark Obuya, Jacqueline Mugo, Damaris Muhika and Mutua Kilaka.
NSSF Board Members being taken through the NSSF story at the ongoing Mombasa ASK show by Coast Regional Manager Rose Marienga From left Age. MT Dr. Omerikwa, Anthony Munyiri, Mark Obuya, Jacqueline Mugo, Damaris Muhika and Mutua Kilaka.


The COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli and NSSF Board Member signing the visitors book at the ongoing Mombasa ASK Show. Standing by him are Mombasa Branch staff.
The COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli and NSSF Board Member signing the visitors book at the ongoing Mombasa ASK Show. Standing by him are Mombasa Branch staff.


NSSF Coast & Eastern Regional Manager Rose Marienga taking ASK 2017 Show judges through the NSSF story.
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