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‘Haba Haba Na NSSF’ Activation

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) had an activation program with members of the Digital Taxi Forum, Boda Boda Safety Association and Taxi Owners Association at the  Panafric Hotel, Nairobi. This follows the launch of Haba Haba, a Social Security product targeted to members in the informal sector.

In attendance was Nairobi County, Senator Hon. Johnson Sakaja who lauded the move by NSSF. He said that Social Security has in the past covered Kenyans only in the formal sector but now with the launch of the Haba Haba product, it will be a big leap and support to the informal sector players who have been exposed to no formal Social Security protection. He further challenged the Fund to maintain its focus on the immense potential that exists in the informal sector by ensuring that every sector is covered.

The senator added that a legislation to support the inclusion of the informal sector players into formal social security coverage will soon be tabled in Parliament to ensure that the NSSF includes this category of Kenyans into formal Social Security savings.

Speaking during the activation of Haba Haba, the Senator said together with the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood) Bill the Haba Haba na NSSF product will resonate well with the Kenyan Constitution article 43 (1) (e) which provides for the rights of all Kenyans to Social Security.

The Fund is working in collaboration with Proto Energy, NHIF, KCB, and Safaricom as value addition and to provide an attractive package that will address the needs of prospective, present and future NSSF members in the informal sector while increasing coverage of Social Security to all Kenyans.

Haba Haba gives members in the informal sector a chance to save a minimum of Ksh. 25 a day, with the option of withdrawing 50% of their contribution after consistently contributing for a minimum of 5 years. This is unlike other benefits NSSF offers in the formal sector where members have to retire or attain the age of 50 to access their savings.

‘The majority of Kenyans in the informal sector are not covered by any pension plan for different reasons. The Haba Haba product comes as a push to create an all-inclusive legislative framework that is premised within the ambit of the NSSF Act 2013. It targets the people in the informal sector who are a critical mass that cannot be ignored. To this end, it is important to ensure that our people have a decent life after retirement.” Said Dr.Anthony Omerikwa, CEO/Managing Trustee NSSF.

With Haba Haba, members can now register, easily access their NSSF statement, make contributions and even follow up on their benefits. This can be done by dialing  *303#.


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‘Haba Haba Na NSSF’ Activation
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